A variety of highly valuable publications can be purchased from CWCN. All titles will contribute to a better understanding of local biodiversity and/or local history. The publications are available at the CWCN Centre in Chapel Hill. They can be mailed out subject to handling and postage fees.
Ants of Brisbane

By Dr Chris Burwell
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. With 68 pages and sized A6 it is easy to carry when exploring Brisbane’s diverse ant flora. $10.00
Australian Stingless Bees

By John Klumpp
A fully colour illustrated handbook for anyone interested in keeping native honeybees. Detailed and easy to read. Paperback, 120 pages. $28.00
Only one copy left!
Backyard Insects

By Dr Chris Burwell
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. With 68 pages and sized A6 it is easy to use when exploring common insects at home. $10.00
Birds of Brisbane

By Gregory Czechura
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. With 68 pages and sized A6 it is easy to carry when walking through natural areas while exploring Brisbane’s diverse birdlife. $10.00
Birdwings' New Home

By Lyn Reilly; illustrated by Lois Hughes
Beautifully illustrated storybook telling the adventures of two Richmond Birdwing butterflies in need of finding a new home, softcover, 24 pages. $15.00.
Butterfly Host Plants

Butterfly Host Plants of South-east Queensland and Northern New South Wales
Revised 4th edition. All updates and information compiled by John T. Moss. A collaborative effort by Butterfly and Other Invertebrate Club members. Designed for amateurs and more serious lepidopterists to quickly access information on local host plants. $16.00
Catchment Voices I

Edited by Robin Trotter
Fascinating account of local histories as told by time witnesses in our local area. Not to be missed by all who want to learn more about changes in local land use over time and through personalised stories. 188 pages, ring binding. $28.00
Catchment Voices II

Edited by Robin Trotter
The second volume of oral history accounts, again told by local time witnesses. A sure must for all those who want to learn more about the history of our local area. 178 pages, ring binding. $28.00
Cubberla and Witton Creeks

Edited by Robin Trotter
This publication contains proceedings of Symposia held by CWCN in 2000 and 2001 on the Cubberla and Witton Creek Catchments. They contain information on climate, geology, soils, native vegetation, land systems, fauna and historic features. $35.00
Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia

The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia
By Michael F. Braby
Second edition. Fully colour illustrated; includes distribution map and flight chart for reach species on the Australian mainland, together with information on similar species, variation, behaviour =, habitat, status and larval food plants. Paperback, 384 pages. $45.00
Freshwater Fishes of the Greater Brisbane Region

By Scott Scutmore and Dr Kev Warburton
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. Includes to the common fish species of the Brisbane area. 68 pages, A6 format. Valuable little guide for all lovers of aquatic life. $10.00
Frogs of South-east Queensland

By Gregory Czechura
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. With 68 pages, sized A6 and instructions on how to use it, this booklet will be invaluable when exploring local frog populations. $10.00
History of Mt Coot-tha

By Janet Spillman
Skilfully collated history of one of Brisbane’s icons and much-loved recreation area, a story of politicians, managers, writers, artists and photographers who protected and interpreted Mt Coot-tha Forest Reserve. Historical photos and illustrations. Paperback. $30.00
Mangroves to Mountains

Mangroves to Mountains. A Field Guide to the Plants of South-east Queensland
By Glenn Leiper et al.
Third edition, covering ca.2400 locally native plants; fully colour illustrated; easy to use as divided by habitat types and colour of fruit or flower. A must have field guide to SEQ's plant diversity. S55.00
Raptors of Southern Queensland

By Greg Czechura and Chris Field
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. With 68 pages, sized A6 it is easy to carry. Thanks to the excellent colour illustrations this booklet is invaluable when watching our spectacular raptors. $10.00
Snakes of South-east Queensland

By Patrick Couper and Andrew Amey
Small and excellently colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series. 68 pages, sized A6. Easy to carry field pocket guide when out in the natural environment. $10.00
Spiders of the Greater Brisbane Region

Dr Robert Raven and Dr Owen Seeman
Small colour-illustrated pocket guide belonging to Queensland Museum’s Wild Guide series and showcasing many common spiders of our local area. Includes spider identification chart. 68 pages, sized A6. $10.00
Wildlife of Greater Brisbane

By Queensland Museum
Second edition, paperback. 448 pages of colour illustrated information on Brisbane’s wildlife. The must have guide for anyone loving nature, a favourite with all children. $30.00