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Budding filmmakers who are keen to bring nature onto the small and big screens are wanted.  It takes observation skills, patience, and a smart device to film fauna, flora or fungi. This can be a joint family project with an older child able to handle a smart device, but everyone contributing with observation and activities. 

Look closely at what is around you. Create your own little story, become the next David Attenborough and show us what we have in our backyards, in and along our waterways, in bushland and open spaces in our suburbs. Your story can also be about your own interaction with nature. You can capture birds feeding on nectar, caterpillars munching on leaves, spiders in their web, you can capture yourself or family members dipping a net into the creek and finding aquatic insects. You can create a collection of flowering plants at a particular time of the year, or place some seeds into the ground (or a pot) and capture different stages of development over time. . 

A little bit of research and some explanatory narration will go a long way. If you tell a story about nature, be it about flowers, animals or fungi, or all of them together, you will have so much fun on the way and create a learning experience as well as memories for yourself. A short film of around 3 min can already say a lot.  Additionally, we would be happy to help spread your little film a little further afield and share it on our social media pages, if that is what you would like.